Special office hours

Cleft consultation

External special office hours

Office hours for patients with a cleft lip, jaw, and palate

During our special office hours for patients with cleft lip and palate we will discuss individually which diagnostic methods we are pursuing and when the timing is right to look into oral surgery.

Since 1993 a tight collaboration between the head physician Dr. Guel Schmidt, management of the department cleft lip, jaw, and palate, MVZ Charité MKG Campus Virchow university hospital and medicine Berlin and the medical specialist for dentistry Dr. Michael K. Thomas for cleft patients has developed. Once a month joint office hours are taking place in the office of Dr. Schmidt in Berlin-Wedding on Thursdays between 2 and 6pm. The partly complex and elaborate clinical results, x-rays, orthodontic and oral treatments are being discussed in all details with the patient. In the course of this discussion it is decided upon which treatment methods are useful and when to proceed with a possible oral surgery. 

The focus of treatment methods for cleft lip, jaw, and palate, that are being discussed during our special office hours, are:

Secondary osteoplasty (SOP)
Secondary osteoplasty is the implantation of bone, from the hip, into the cleft jaw area to make sure that the jaw parts are growing together and the teeth will come through in the cleft area.

Le Fort I- Corrective osteotomy
Le Fort I- Corrective osteotomy is the dentosurgical forward displacement of the upper jaw. In case, after completing jaw development, the upper jaw bone is too far back, so that the upper lip and the facial structure appears anharmonic.

Labioplasty is a cosmetic and functional correction of the prolabium of the upper lip, including scar correction to improve the mouth esthetic.

Nasalplasty is a cosmetic and functional correction of the nose for esthetic rehabilitation, after the development is completed.

2021 Dr. Michael K. Thomas was asked to participate in the creation of S3 medical guideline “Therapy of the cleft lip, jaw, and palate” (007-038) by the professional organization of orthodontists. 

If you want to schedule an appointment please direct yourself to Mrs. Karola Ost, phone: 030 450655042, e-mail: karola.ost@charite.de, MVZ Charité MKG Campus Virchow university hospital, Augustenburger Platz 1, 13353 Berlin.

External special office hours

Office hours for dentosurgical patients

In the dysgnathia office hour led by head physician Dr. Dr. Tobias Ebker, department of cleft lip, jaw, and palate (MVZ Charité MKG Campus Virchow university hospital and medicine Berlin), all patients that are in need of an orthodontic-dentosurgical procedure are welcome. Appointments with Dr. Michael K. Thomas can be made on Thursday afternoons at the hospital for mouth, jaw, and facial surgery. MUNDWERK Die Kieferorthopäden will be the first point of contact to consult and to create diagnostic documents for an adequate patient education regarding the treatment plan. 

Call this number to make your dysgnathia office hour appointment: 030 45055599, MVZ Charité MKG Campus Virchow university hospital, Augustenburger Platz 1, 13353 Berlin.

Copyright by MUNDWERK Die Kieferorthopäden 2025