Special office hours

Mandibular joint and pain therapy

Internal special office hours

Office hours for patients with mandibular joint discomfort and physiotherapy

With the help of nightguards and an effective physiotherapy pain and discomfort of the mandibular joint can be treated successfully.

Many patients suffering from mandibular joint, head, shoulder, and neck pain have been successfully healed in our special office hours by our dental technician Mario Heydenreich. Patients suffering from craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD) have great chances, that through a functional therapeutic treatment with a bite retainer - which needs to be worn during the night and a few hours throughout the day - their pain can be significantly reduced or fully cured. 

In order to relieve muscles a collateral physiotherapeutic treatment is often recommended. We are happy to work with any physiotherapeutic office of your choice. Further, we are offering the possibility to schedule appointments with our in-house MUNDWERK Die Kieferorthopäden physiotherapist Miriam Sprecht. 

You can schedule an appointment for our office hour and for physiotherapy at MUNDWERK Die Kieferorthopäden under the following number: 030 8019950.

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